
Encounters of the "rad" kind that I feel everyone who has cool taste should know about.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Zazzle it

Making fun shirts for friends is a favorite past time of mine. Over the summer I found the easiest site to do it on. With Zazzle you can create your own shirts using images you create or just using text. You can save them and let the public view them or you can keep them private. If you let the public view them you get a cut of each shirt that they sell with your design on it...then they either cut you a check at the end of the year or you can use it as store credit. I've done both. I made a little over twenty bucks with this one design and didn't even advertise it or anything. There's another similar site called Cafe Press which allows you to set up actual stores and such, but I've found that Zazzle is much more user friendly and has better products. My brother has a business and I was able to make him some shirts with his logo on it for about the same price it would cost to get them printed...and there is no set up fee or minimum order. Plus, if you start making money with them, it's even cheaper. Good stuff.
If you want to see the shirts I've made use this link. There's also a link to the left on the main menu bar of the site.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sooooooooo want to learn to screen print, and make t-shirts at home. But since I've got about three zillion other "projects" at the moment, maybe Zazzle will feed the need until I have more time!

Thanks for the link - and, sweet shirt ;)

11:04 AM  
Blogger Beekeebear said...

...and a stick uh buttuh.

Look what I made:

10:40 AM  
Blogger Beekeebear said...

I just made my own first sale on Cafe Press. Woo-Hoo!

I made a t-shirt for Buffy's birthday that said "It's my birthday. Spank me." I put it on undies, buttons, etc. And I just sold my first button. I made $.74!! Rockin'!

2:07 PM  

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