
Encounters of the "rad" kind that I feel everyone who has cool taste should know about.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Why did it take so long for this to be invented?

Click here to go to the Post-it website and get a free sample of the very cool Post-it Photo Paper. I happened upon this stuff at Staples the other day and it is completely awesome. I've been printing out photos all weekend and sticking them to the refridgerator, the walls, the doors, you name it. LOVE this stuff. If you don't have a printer that prints awesome photos, I highly recommend the Canon Pixma ip3000. I bought this printer randomly last summer and can't believe the quality of the pictures. It seriously looks like I just picked them up at the one hour photo...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Straight from the teat.

This baby bottle is the best. Thanks to Bek for the tip! I wish I had a baby to give this bottle to. Sort of.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Make your own movie!

Thanks to Anna B for this awesome site. Have fun making your own movies to send to people!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Creative Cards

Flashcan Cards are fun and addictive. They feature some of the cooler cards on the site...I've decided that I want to make one cool enough for thier display. I just discovered this today and have made oodles of these things. Very cool There is a "print" button, but my computer is on the fritz right now so I haven't been able to get it to work. Let me know if you are able to print yours!

Plush pets

Magic Pony has some awesome gift ideas for the wee ones in your life (or for those who love quirky stuffed things). I love the Ugly Dolls. My neice Bella needs to have an Ugly Doll.