
Encounters of the "rad" kind that I feel everyone who has cool taste should know about.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Why did it take so long for this to be invented?

Click here to go to the Post-it website and get a free sample of the very cool Post-it Photo Paper. I happened upon this stuff at Staples the other day and it is completely awesome. I've been printing out photos all weekend and sticking them to the refridgerator, the walls, the doors, you name it. LOVE this stuff. If you don't have a printer that prints awesome photos, I highly recommend the Canon Pixma ip3000. I bought this printer randomly last summer and can't believe the quality of the pictures. It seriously looks like I just picked them up at the one hour photo...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing the other day, when I saw these in the store. Why so long to figure this out? I could have used these back when I was 16 and taping dozens of photos to my bedroom wallpaper!

6:12 AM  

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